Welcome Mamaroneck High School Class of 1969

...to our official class website! 

Fellow ’69er Tigers –
We are in the midst of planning our 55th reunion! Hopefully you received an invitation by email from Steve Zinaman a few weeks ago. The dates will be September 27-29, 2024, and plans are to gather at the American Legion Hall in Flint Park (Larchmont) on Friday and Saturday evenings. We also are arranging a brunch on Sunday.
We hope to keep costs very reasonable to encourage a great turnout. As we all know, the main focus of a reunion is to re-connect with old friends, so please join us!
Kindly let Steve Zinaman (srzinaman@msn.com) know your response:
YES, I plan to attend one or more events of the reunion
MAYBE, if the stars align and the timing works out
NO, I don’t plan to attend our 55th
REMEMBER – the reunion will be more special with YOU there! And please help us recruit others we’ve not seen in decades …

To view and update your profile, please sign in as follows: 

username = your email address (if we have it). If we don't have your email address, username is your 1st name10 (e.g. john10) 

password = 1st letter of your 1st name, high school surname 69 (e.g jdoe69)

View Your Profile:

Your profile has already been created so, when you log in, please click EDIT MY PROFILE to review and/or update it. You can upload a "Then Photo" from high school, a recent photo of yourself, post a message to your classmates, and much more!

Classmates Pages:

For fun visit the "Classmates" page to see what others have posted. 

Missing Classmates:

Click on the Missing Classmates option on the left side of this page. If you have contact info for anyone on this page, please click on the name or names and enter contact information so the committee may reach out to those classmates.

Questions? please use "Contact Us" link on the left or email us at: mhstigers1969@gmail.com


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