Our Thanks to Donors and Contributors

We want to thank all the generous folks who have contributed to our class reserve  fund (and/or made "in kind" donations of items the Reunion Committee would otherwise have needed to purchase) as of October 13, 2019 :

Cindy Beline

Allison (Cooke) Gradwell

Kim Greene

Jennifer (Jennie Caras) Haire

Teddie Rose Kahn

Ron Kensy

Paul Korngold

Michele (Brennick) Kripps

Regina (Poccia) Kuhns

Stuart Kuritzky

Sandi Lee

Mary LoGiudice

Sean McCarthy

Paula (Fatebena) Minara

Kathy (Giacobbe) Neave

Linda (Yergin) Nesbit

John Rasmussen

Tom Richards

Bob Wassman

Mary (O'Keefe) Young


SPECIAL THANKS TO Marilyn Blomgren Startin, Class of 1967, for tirelessly helping us locate missing classmates, and to Lauren O'Neill, Class of 1964, for her consultation and guidance.


If you would like to donate to the fund, click on the Class Reserve Fund button in the Navigation List.

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